Stu and Jenna's Wedding

  1. 2. Where the couple met
  2. 4. Where Stu Proposed
  3. 5. Who is the better cook
  4. 8. Stu and Jenna have been together
  5. 9. Where did Stu meet Jenna's parents
  6. 12. Breed of first dog together
  7. 13. The meal that is most requested at the Peloski House
  8. 14. The Couples Child's name
  1. 1. Favourite deessert the couple shares
  2. 2. Favourite Family Trip
  3. 3. Stu's favourite football team
  4. 6. First trip couple took out of cananda
  5. 7. Jenna's Favorite football team
  6. 10. Favourite summer activity to do as a couple
  7. 11. Who said i love you first