Student Olympics 2017

  1. 1. The act of supporting pharmacy in the legislature, to the public and to other professions.
  2. 3. OPA has more than 2300 active.
  3. 4. Number of districts OPA represents.
  4. 5. For OPA Student ____ Day, students visited the Statehouse and met with their representatives.
  5. 7. This online OPA newsletter comes out one every two weeks with information on the latest in pharmacy.
  6. 10. This was created for members who graduated in the last 7 years.
  7. 12. OPA’s online ____ center has presentations and more for pharmacist to use.
  1. 2. Smaller groups within OPA which work towards a common goal such as public and professional relations or legal and regulatory affairs.
  2. 6. HB 394 lowered the age to 7 for pharmacist to give these.
  3. 8. Serving as a trustee is a good way to develop this.
  4. 9. OPA created the Center for this to increase business related knowledge for pharmacist.
  5. 11. Meeting with other members of your profession to enhance your career.