Student Organizations

  1. 2. Academies meeting together
  2. 4. Run by Mr. Thornton and Ms. Williams
  3. 5. Promotes women’s breast cancer awareness
  4. 9. Requires a form to join
  5. 11. Has a new name this year
  6. 13. Focused on the LGBTQ community
  7. 14. Welcomes international students
  8. 15. Meets after school at the gym
  9. 16. Recently featured on the video announcements
  10. 18. Think Terminator, but less dangerous
  1. 1. Run by an AP foreign language teacher
  2. 3. Meets near an obscure courtyard
  3. 6. Came in third in their competition last October
  4. 7. Commonly known as “nerd club”
  5. 8. Chooses all the spirit days
  6. 10. Celebrates Lupercalia instead of Valentine's Day
  7. 12. Plans the school dances
  8. 17. Students focused on spreading kindness on campus