Study Skills Crossword Puzzle

  1. 7. If you get a good one of these you get to go to Sea World.
  2. 9. This made America twice the size.
  3. 12. This country is south of our border.
  4. 13. This country is north of us.
  5. 14. She loves to play basketball.
  6. 15. He is going to play varsity football next year.
  7. 17. He is the newest student in class.
  1. 1. He took a trip to Brazil.
  2. 2. These two men found a route to the Pacific Ocean.
  3. 3. All your school supplies are carried in this.
  4. 4. The Alamo was in this state.
  5. 5. Settlers came to California in search of this.
  6. 6. He sits in the back of class.
  7. 8. The ocean west of California.
  8. 10. This student is a 7th grader.
  9. 11. She likes to sit with Citlaly.
  10. 16. Most of your school work is done on one of these