Substantive & Procedural Law

  1. 2. Least serious type of crime, often punished by fines
  2. 3. Declares what actions are criminal
  3. 5. Less serious crimes than felonies
  4. 7. Defense arguments that claim anyone would've acted the way the defendant did so they shouldn't get in trouble
  5. 9. Defense that the illegal action was necessary at the time
  6. 10. Defense that the defendant was forced into committing the crime
  7. 12. Kinds of defense arguments claiming the defendant did not have free will to commit the crime
  8. 13. Sets basic rules for government practices, including in the criminal justice system
  9. 15. The most serious level of crimes
  1. 1. Defense that the defendant shouldn't be criminally liable for their actions because of their mental state
  2. 4. Type of law that is banned in the Constitution
  3. 6. Latin term indicating the defendant committed the crime
  4. 8. Latin term indicating the defendant committed the crime intentionally
  5. 11. Defense that the defendant's actions were justified because they were protecting their own life
  6. 14. law that isn't criminal but can justify lawsuits