sulvai kerr

  1. 2. what is the highest power of the universe?
  2. 5. goddess of wisdom and war
  3. 6. the metropolis for an area called the Troad
  4. 7. who intervenes in human affairs?
  5. 9. Paris's award for judgment
  6. 10. Goddess who guarded mount olympus
  7. 14. where did the gods/goddesses live (2 words, no space)
  8. 15. another word for The Fates
  9. 16. what body of water did troy control?
  10. 18. "pure air" Gods breathed
  1. 1. who inspired homer to tell his story? (2 words, no space)
  2. 3. goddesses of destiny (2 words, no space)
  3. 4. messenger god who wore wings
  4. 7. mixture of Mediterranean and northern peoples
  5. 8. the Greeks greatest warrior
  6. 11. to begin in the middle (3 words, no space)
  7. 12. king and protector of Gods and humankind
  8. 13. who is the god of the sea?
  9. 17. God of war and sun