
  1. 2. Sandy loves this
  2. 6. "Hmm... It's a bit tangy... but actually, the flavor is quite good!"
  3. 9. Satisfying to harvest
  4. 10. Chums
  5. 11. Secret woods
  6. 13. Magical
  7. 16. "Please traveling cart, please!"
  8. 18. Available from Sandy
  9. 20. Great for honey
  1. 1. Third day of summer
  2. 3. Better than ancient fruits
  3. 4. Both a forageable and a crop
  4. 5. Birthday on a monday
  5. 7. Great for cooking for the mine
  6. 8. Discord mascot
  7. 12. Found on the beach
  8. 14. Vincent is not a great dancer
  9. 15. Awful parent
  10. 17. Quite a difficult catch
  11. 19. Riffs