
  1. 3. You should reapply this ever hour or so
  2. 7. mixture of pineapple and coconut (2 words)
  3. 9. These bugs come out in the summer every 17 years
  4. 10. This painful rash happens if you don’t ear sunblock
  5. 11. popular pool float
  6. 12. What you wear to go in the pool
  7. 16. a popular event hosted by families in the summer
  8. 17. this happens a lot earlier in the summer
  9. 18. Kids get a ——— from school
  10. 19. these kind of trees are found from Miami to Key West
  1. 1. This is very Important to do in the summer to keep healthy
  2. 2. this happens a lot later in the summer
  3. 4. The summer heat will make you do this
  4. 5. Causes itchy bites
  5. 6. These fun, daring rides are great to cool off on
  6. 8. Great cool-off treat (2 words)
  7. 9. Used to clean most pools
  8. 13. A dairy-free chill treat
  9. 14. Sweet red fruit
  10. 15. The summer is a great time to do more of this