- 3. You should reapply this ever hour or so
- 7. mixture of pineapple and coconut (2 words)
- 9. These bugs come out in the summer every 17 years
- 10. This painful rash happens if you don’t ear sunblock
- 11. popular pool float
- 12. What you wear to go in the pool
- 16. a popular event hosted by families in the summer
- 17. this happens a lot earlier in the summer
- 18. Kids get a ——— from school
- 19. these kind of trees are found from Miami to Key West
- 1. This is very Important to do in the summer to keep healthy
- 2. this happens a lot later in the summer
- 4. The summer heat will make you do this
- 5. Causes itchy bites
- 6. These fun, daring rides are great to cool off on
- 8. Great cool-off treat (2 words)
- 9. Used to clean most pools
- 13. A dairy-free chill treat
- 14. Sweet red fruit
- 15. The summer is a great time to do more of this