
  1. 2. Can be used to draw on sidewalks
  2. 4. Use a rod and bait for this
  3. 5. Flashes in the sky
  4. 8. Prevents sunburns
  5. 10. Where kids can play
  6. 11. Used at the lake
  7. 12. Where you can play in the sun
  8. 13. A pest of summer
  9. 15. Used for swimming
  1. 1. Much needed time off
  2. 3. A tent is used for this
  3. 6. A cool summer treat
  4. 7. Where you can plant vegetables
  5. 8. This happens when you don't wear sunscreen
  6. 9. Used to roast marshmallows
  7. 14. Not a sunburn but a sun___