
  1. 4. Red, White and ______.
  2. 6. The opposite of cold.
  3. 7. Something we are deprived of during the school year.
  4. 8. What you should wear if you don't want to become a lobster.
  5. 9. The fourth of _____.
  6. 12. What you do when you get out of Florida during the summer.
  7. 13. Ice ____.
  1. 1. The name of the place you will dread to go back to at the end of August
  2. 2. The place you get all your back to school supplies.
  3. 3. Ladies, we all know you'll want to come back to school golden by doing this.
  4. 5. After five of these, you're set free for two months!
  5. 7. Protective eyewear.
  6. 10. Heat ______. If you don't drink enough water, you get this.
  7. 11. Get out to the beach and do this!