Super Fun Mining Crossword

  1. 5. The majority of underground mines in the US located near which mountain range?
  2. 9. When a mine is no longer being used and the land is returned to its original state or better is called?
  3. 10. coal Gob piles are large mounds of ________.
  4. 13. Mining that takes place below ground is ______ mining.
  1. 1. Historically, most mining disasters are due to _________.
  2. 2. Fracking is used to obtain oil and _________.
  3. 3. Acid mine drainage causes ______ to be polluted.
  4. 4. Quarries, strip mines, and open-pits are all examples of ________ mines.
  5. 6. Mining can cause serious ______ concerns for the people that work or live near them, causing issues like black lung.
  6. 7. Mining injuries and fatalities have _________ over time.
  7. 8. Mining disasters have declined primarily because of better ________ regulations.
  8. 11. Fracking occurs in this type of rock layer
  9. 12. Mining is extracting ______ or minerals from the Earth.