Superficial Chest Muscles in a Cat
- 5. This muscle is also known as the clavodeltoid.
- 7. This is the origin of the xiphihumeralis.
- 9. This is the origin of the sternomastoid.
- 10. This muscle, found only in cats, turns and lowers the head.
- 11. This is the human counterpart for the clavobrachialis.
- 12. This muscle inserts at the fascia or the forelimb and adducts the forearm.
- 15. This muscle extends the forearm and is only found in cats.
- 17. This superficial chest muscle is directly below the pectoralis minor.
- 18. The pectoralis major and minor both insert here.
- 20. The latissimus dorsi extends this in cats and humans.
- 1. This muscle is the closest to a human counterpart for the epitrochlearis.
- 2. The sternomastoid and sternohyoid are part of this muscle group.
- 3. The epitrochleasir' origin is here.
- 4. The origin of this muscle is the sternum and the insertion is the humerus.
- 6. This muscle is bigger than its counterpart in humans, but smaller than its counterpart in cats.
- 8. This muscle, found in cats and humans, has its origin at the first costal rib.
- 13. The external oblique does this.
- 14. This muscle inserts at the linea alba and pubis.
- 16. The pectoralis major is ______ than the pectoralis minor in cats.
- 19. This is also the origin or the pectoantibrachialis.