Superficial Chest Muscles in a Cat

  1. 5. This muscle is also known as the clavodeltoid.
  2. 7. This is the origin of the xiphihumeralis.
  3. 9. This is the origin of the sternomastoid.
  4. 10. This muscle, found only in cats, turns and lowers the head.
  5. 11. This is the human counterpart for the clavobrachialis.
  6. 12. This muscle inserts at the fascia or the forelimb and adducts the forearm.
  7. 15. This muscle extends the forearm and is only found in cats.
  8. 17. This superficial chest muscle is directly below the pectoralis minor.
  9. 18. The pectoralis major and minor both insert here.
  10. 20. The latissimus dorsi extends this in cats and humans.
  1. 1. This muscle is the closest to a human counterpart for the epitrochlearis.
  2. 2. The sternomastoid and sternohyoid are part of this muscle group.
  3. 3. The epitrochleasir' origin is here.
  4. 4. The origin of this muscle is the sternum and the insertion is the humerus.
  5. 6. This muscle is bigger than its counterpart in humans, but smaller than its counterpart in cats.
  6. 8. This muscle, found in cats and humans, has its origin at the first costal rib.
  7. 13. The external oblique does this.
  8. 14. This muscle inserts at the linea alba and pubis.
  9. 16. The pectoralis major is ______ than the pectoralis minor in cats.
  10. 19. This is also the origin or the pectoantibrachialis.