Superhero Theme

  1. 2. tiny guy
  2. 3. some kid who got bit
  3. 5. big and green
  4. 7. green lady
  5. 11. half celestial
  6. 15. airforce pilot
  7. 16. tiny chick
  8. 18. Hammer
  9. 21. untrustworthy brother
  10. 22. wrestler guy
  11. 23. sitcom anthology
  12. 24. rich dude with a suit
  1. 1. black guy
  2. 4. broken hands
  3. 6. other robot suit guy
  4. 8. furry dude
  5. 9. the worst avenger
  6. 10. Russian chick
  7. 12. cancer guy
  8. 13. I am _____
  9. 14. chaos Magic
  10. 17. healing mutant
  11. 19. solider boy
  12. 20. blind lawyer