Supernatural Mysteries
- 3. Eerie narratives exploring the unknown and uncanny
- 8. A horror film series focusing on demonic hauntings
- 12. A tool used to spell out messages from beyond
- 15. A malevolent spirit from Algonquian folklore
- 17. Dark fairy stories featuring supernatural elements
- 18. A mysterious lookalike believed to be an omen
- 19. Another name for a spirit board or talking board
- 1. A shapeshifter legend from Navajo cultural beliefs
- 2. A ghostly manifestation seen by the living
- 4. A dwelling said to be occupied by ghosts or spirits
- 5. An individual who claims to channel spirits or psychic energies
- 6. Lunar phase linked to werewolves and strange phenomena
- 7. Dark silhouettes spotted at the edges of vision
- 9. Ceremony performed to expel a possessing entity or demon
- 10. People who search for specters in abandoned places
- 11. A ritual session attempting to communicate with the dead
- 13. Eerie mist appearing in tales of hauntings
- 14. A noisy spirit known for moving objects and causing mischief
- 16. Events or forces that defy scientific explanation
- 20. Urban legend specter allegedly summoned by mirror chant