
  1. 4. "Lovin' my new vessel!"
  2. 7. "Saving people, hunting things, the..."
  3. 9. "Love me some __"
  4. 10. "I don't understand that reference
  5. 11. "I lost my shoe"
  6. 12. One of Dean's favorite things
  7. 15. rather have a sandwich than him for a father
  1. 1. needs to stop hiding in the closet
  2. 2. *possesses sam*
  3. 3. OTP
  4. 5. The worst day of the week
  5. 6. "if the ___ loves the baby-sitter so much..."
  6. 8. "Idjits"
  7. 13. "Lovin' my new meatsuit!"
  8. 14. baby