Superpower Countries

  1. 5. Environment gets harmed by humans e.g. carbon emissions by burning fossil fuels, pouring chemicals into rivers
  2. 7. Movement of people from another country into the country you are in.
  3. 9. The number of people in a country/area
  4. 12. Open countryside
  5. 13. A store of money, possessions, or property or other valuable things
  6. 14. Built up environment (has buildings)
  7. 15. Not being able to meet a person’s basic needs e.g. eat enough food, have clothes, a good place to live, good access to medical care, clean water
  8. 16. Large company that sells and produces goods/services in many different countries (Trans National Corporations)
  9. 17. Persuading people that your ideas are best and others’ are not
  1. 1. Making, spreading, using wealth
  2. 2. the ways in which decisions are made
  3. 3. A large country with a large population, strong military and lots of cultural and political influence.
  4. 4. Limits damage to the environment
  5. 6. The amount of money a country makes (Gross Domestic Product)
  6. 8. Things that allow a country/place to work properly e.g. electricity lines, roads, airports, bridges.
  7. 9. Extra money/wealth you have made
  8. 10. Help given to others e.g money, medicine, food
  9. 11. Putting money/wealth into a project