  1. 2. A party to a lawsuit
  2. 4. Accuse or bring charges against
  3. 6. The person against who made the complaint
  4. 7. Involves non-criminal matter
  5. 8. Involves criminal matter
  6. 9. A violation
  7. 12. written to make a point not made or not emphasized in the majority opinion
  8. 13. Another name for a case, action
  9. 17. List of cases to be heard
  10. 18. Reason that forms basis of an argument or conclusion
  11. 19. judicial decision that serves as a guide for similar cases
  1. 1. authority of a court to try and decide a case
  2. 3. A judicial body, a court
  3. 5. The lower federal courts
  4. 10. Detailed written statements
  5. 11. An expert in the law especially a judge or legal scholar
  6. 12. process used when lower court is unsure about the procedure that should apply in a case
  7. 14. Transcript of proceedings made in the trial court
  8. 15. To support or strengthen
  9. 16. Satisfaction of a claim, payment