Surveillance and Society

  1. 3. The app used to track if people have been creeping your phone
  2. 4. A common mobile device used to take videos
  3. 5. Use of technology to mirror or confront bureaucratic organizations
  4. 6. Use of surveillance to catch your partner in an adulterous setting
  5. 8. Used to delete SMS messages
  6. 10. A form tracking your relationship emotions
  7. 11. To justify or make lawful
  8. 12. The possibility of people being under surveillance without knowing if you are being watched or not
  1. 1. Watching from below, monitoring of authority
  2. 2. Personal computing, and allows you to watch watchers
  3. 7. Monitoring of people by some higher authority
  4. 9. Example of positive sousveillance in 1991