Sustainability & Natural Resources

  1. 4. Its sugars are used to make ethanol
  2. 6. Energy created by burning the remains of dead animals
  3. 9. Natural gas is a collection of odorless gasses that is mainly composed of ________
  4. 10. Energy that comes from the heat in the Earth
  5. 14. Can not be replaced as soon as it is used; Will eventually run out
  6. 15. Human _____ are the things that we need in order to survive
  7. 16. The three pillars of sustainability are social, ________, and environmental
  8. 18. Energy created when water flows through a dam to power a turbine
  9. 19. Fossil _______ are formed from millions of years of heat and pressure
  1. 1. Remains of living things buried deep underground
  2. 2. Energy that comes from the sun
  3. 3. Fuel that is made by separating water with electricity
  4. 5. Made by refining soybean oil
  5. 7. The ability to continue without interruption
  6. 8. Also known as crude oil, it is a liquid formed from the remains of ancient marine life
  7. 11. Where we store our groundwater
  8. 12. Solid sedimentary rock that was formed from ancient plants
  9. 13. Can be replaced as soon as it is used; Almost never runs out
  10. 17. Sustainability is focused on how we use our _________ resources
  11. 20. We as a society would need 1.5 _______ to match the rate we consume natural resources