Sustainability recap

  1. 3. One of the biggest changes during the Industrial Revolution was the change from making things by hand to making things by ...
  2. 4. The Industrial Revolution began in the United Kingdom and quickly spread to ... and North America.
  3. 7. Because of the changes in manufacturing and farming lots of people had to move to the ...
  4. 9. One of the big changes during the Industrial Revolution was in the area of ... (farming)
  5. 11. The Industrial Revolution began in the ... century
  6. 12. How most people travelled before the Industrial Revolution
  1. 1. Sustainability is all about using resources wisely today so they are still there in the ...
  2. 2. Before the Industrial Revolution most people lived by ...
  3. 5. Improvements in farming and medical care meant the ... grew very quickly
  4. 6. Reusing something
  5. 8. The Industrial Revolution changed the way we live by harnessing the power of ...
  6. 10. The industrial revolution was powered by burning ... ,this made the cities very dirty and polluted.