Sustainable Ag Agroforestry (Unit 6)

  1. 3. the intentional integration of trees & shrubs into crop and animal farming systems to create environmental, economic, and social benefits
  2. 4. the key concept in agroforestry is ___________ trees
  3. 8. this system grows food, herbal, botanical, or decorative crops under a forest canopy
  4. 9. these shelter crops, animals, buildings, and soil from wind, snow, dust, and odors
  5. 11. this is the term for planting crops between rows of trees
  6. 12. agroforestry creates ________ farms, ranches, and woodlands
  7. 15. agroforestry creates ___________ in rural communities
  8. 16. this is the term for encouraging people to employ agroforestry techniques
  9. 17. crops grown in forest farming include ____________, mushrooms, and ferns
  1. 1. windbreaks increase bee ______________
  2. 2. agroforestry combines _______ & ________
  3. 5. agroforestry fosters productivity, profitability, and environmental ________________
  4. 6. agroforestry creates _________ for wildlife
  5. 7. the USDA Agroforestry __________ Framework
  6. 10. this combines trees with livestock and their forages on one piece of land
  7. 13. silvopasture ____________ livestock and their forages
  8. 14. agroforestry creates _________ production