Sustainable biomes

  1. 2. A community of plants and animals occupying a large area of the earth's surface.
  2. 6. A water-based community of plants and animals.
  3. 13. The transformation of fertile land into relatively dry desert.
  4. 17. A land-based community of plants and animals.
  5. 19. Defined as the wearing away of topsoil. Topsoil is the top layer of soil and is the most fertile because it contains the most organic, nutrient rich materials.
  6. 21. Can supply large volumes of produce in a relatively small area, such as poultry or vegetable farms.
  7. 22. Individuals or corporations taking over productive land using it for purposes other than growing food.
  1. 1. A farming system that involves moving from site to site as soil fertility declines.
  2. 3. Plant, animal or other organisms that are not native to an area, and whose introduction has negative effects on its new environment.
  3. 4. State of not having enough food to develop or function adequately.
  4. 5. Removal of trees and other plant life from a forested area, either by cutting down or burning; usually carried out to clear the land for farming.
  5. 7. A measurement of the amount of a crop harvested per unit of land.
  6. 8. When farmers grow food crops to feed themselves and their families. Farm output is targeted to survival and is mostly for local requirements with little or no surplus trade.
  7. 9. the variety of all life forms on earth- the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, their genes, and the terrestrial, marine and freshwater ecosystems of which they are a part of.
  8. 10. As water moves down through the soil, it dissolves and carries away some of the nutrients that plants use. This is called leaching.
  9. 11. resulting from human activity.
  10. 12. naturally occurring salinity.
  11. 14. System farming that adapts modern technology to analyse aspects of the environment to bring out better economic and environmental outcomes.
  12. 15. Decline in the quality of soil due to human activities.
  13. 16. A condition in which all people at all times have enough safe nutritious food to sustain a healthy life.
  14. 18. the presence of salts and bicarbonates, in soil and water.
  15. 20. Type of farming that requires large areas of land (e.g dairy farming, which needs to provide grazing for cattle).