Sustainable Biomes

  1. 6. Not the built environment (N)
  2. 8. Long term atmospheric conditions which dictate where certain crops can be grown (C)
  3. 10. Adapts modern technology to analyse aspects of the environment to bring out better economic and environmental outcomes (PF)
  4. 11. A process where land is prepared for crops (T)
  5. 13. A prolonged period of below average rainfall (D)
  6. 15. The expansion of these areas means less area available for farming (U)
  7. 19. Advancements in _______ can help gain higher yields in crops (T)
  8. 22. Food ____________: enough food to meet dietary needs in a particular location (S)
  9. 23. These introduce more nutrients and help crops grow (F)
  10. 24. Major terrestrial community based on similar vegetation; we should manage their use sustainably (B)
  11. 25. Your __________ expectancy can be greatly reduced if you do not have enough of the right foods to eat (L)
  12. 26. Biome that lies between Tropic of Cancer and Tropic of Capricorn (TF)
  13. 28. modifications of crops can reduce biodiversity, but increase crop resistance to disease (G)
  1. 1. A farm which has only one type of crop being grown (M)
  2. 2. A country where rice is grown using terraced farming and modern technology as well (I)
  3. 3. Removing native vegetation for farming can cause the soil to _______ (E)
  4. 4. The process or time of gathering crops (H)
  5. 5. Farming just to feed your own family – not profit (S)
  6. 7. Long term atmospheric conditions which dictate where certain crops can be grown (C)
  7. 9. Watering crops to help them grow (I)
  8. 12. Food ___________: a condition in which not all people have access to enough safe nutritious food to sustain healthy life (I)
  9. 14. Biome characterised by having vast treeless environment across arctic region of Asia, Europe and North America (T)
  10. 16. These cycle within an ecosystem; found in foods they help your body to grow and develop (N)
  11. 17. Term used to describe land and climate conditions that are too dry to support vegetation (A)
  12. 18. Coniferous forest biome, dominated by fir, spruce and pine trees (BF)
  13. 20. The amount produce from agricultural production (Y)
  14. 21. A more sustainable source of protein than beef; mostly eaten in Asia (I)
  15. 23. The arm of the UN which is trying to eliminate hunger (F)
  16. 27. A term to describe chemicals (fertilisers or nutrients) being lost from soils (L)