Sustainible Biomes

  1. 2. natural; no chemicals or additives
  2. 3. the number of atoms that have the same number of nucleons
  3. 5. the farming of aquatic animals for food
  4. 6. another name for the water cycle
  5. 7. how salty an area is
  6. 10. wide, shallow steps used to provide standing room for spectators in a stadium
  7. 13. farming for commercial purposes only
  8. 16. diverse range of plants and animals in a place
  9. 17. the imaginary horizontal lines that go across the Earth to help with positioning
  10. 18. the act of seizing a land in an unlawful manner
  11. 22. the farming of a single crop in an area
  12. 23. farming different crops in an area to create more fertile soil
  13. 24. food that is modified at a genetic level, usually on the parent plant
  14. 25. the weather conditions prevailing in an area in general or over a long period.
  1. 1. a measurement of pressure
  2. 4. a general term for electromagnetic rays emitted from the sun
  3. 8. a system to water a mass amount of plants
  4. 9. the regions of the surface and atmosphere of the earth or another planet occupied by living organisms.
  5. 11. able to last for a long time
  6. 12. a disease that is found among people in a certain area
  7. 14. people at all times have access to food
  8. 15. farmland that is ploughed and harrowed but left without plants
  9. 19. amount of light reflected from a surface
  10. 20. the relation of how biotic and abiotic things live together
  11. 21. a large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna occupying a major habitat, e.g. forest or tundra.