- 2. “______ is the breeze in my hair on the weekend”
- 6. Number of album covers in black and white
- 7. Ex-bf that famously wore an I heart ____ shirt
- 10. First name of author of book referenced in song "This Is Why We Can't Have Nice Things"
- 12. Famous “Story” told by Swift in her second album
- 15. The type of “problems” that Swift sings about
- 17. Secret _____
- 18. sister of folklore
- 19. Name of someone who may be really good at this puzzle
- 20. Nickname for TV show that one of Swift’s cats are named after
- 1. What is "dropped” for her fans
- 3. First name of famous artist Swift is named after
- 4. Number of grammys that the subject of the crossword has
- 5. Name of concert intended for Swift’s seventh studio album
- 8. “You’re so ____ I can’t say anything to your face”
- 9. Shortened version of Swift’s rerecorded songs
- 11. Number associated with the theme
- 13. The ____ Tour
- 14. Last name of mother of child featured in Swift’s “reputation” album
- 16. Item dropped in song "right where you left me"
- 17. The songs that fans like to bet on