- 2. Guy who cut off Native's hand in the movie
- 4. Why did Columbus sail
- 7. What would happen to people against the church in the movie
- 8. what did the Europeans collect from Natives in the movie
- 10. Where Columbus was from
- 13. What year was Colombus born
- 15. How long was Colombus gone
- 16. Who wrote the journals about Colombus
- 19. What was the youngest son's name in the movie
- 20. What age did Colombus die at
- 1. Portugese explorer
- 3. Colombus wife name
- 5. Guy who found the Americas
- 6. How long they thought it would take to sail.
- 9. why did natives, not like Columbus (hint- Starts with V)
- 11. What day is Colombus day
- 12. Title of movie we watched
- 14. How do we know about Colombus' journey
- 17. what was the Queens name in the movie
- 18. is the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.