
  1. 2. Each assignment for this course will be graded using a ____ system.
  2. 4. the _____ infraction of academic dishonesty will result in a zero for the assignment
  3. 6. Participation in the school level science fair is for all Honors Biology students
  4. 8. I will allow up to ____ school days after the test for those students to retake the test/quiz.
  5. 10. all students will have access to a _____ textbook during school hours
  6. 11. Students who do not return signed contracts will ____ be permitted to participate in lab activities until the signed contract is given to the teacher.
  1. 1. misbehavior or carelessness on the part of the student(s) results in broken lab equipment or other school property, the student may be held liable for replacement or repair _____
  2. 3. Throughout this course, students will develop scientific skills, laboratory techniques, and an biological understanding through hands-on ______, inquiry, and collaborative projects.
  3. 5. Be on time and prepared for class _____ the start of class bell rings
  4. 7. Any student who fails to observe the discussed safety precautions or who deliberately disrupts a lab activity will be removed from the classroom, given a grade of ____ on the lab
  5. 9. For every _____ that an assignment is late, I reserve the right to deduct up to a full letter grade from the maximum score.
  6. 12. After the unit ____ is given, all missing assignments for that unit will become permanent zeros.