Syllabus Crossword

  1. 3. When you turn in your syllabus, it must include a ______________ from both you and your parent/guardian.
  2. 5. What is the name of the lab safety guidelines we will follow?
  3. 6. The only consumable allowedin class on lab days is ___________.
  4. 8. These assignments do not have a penalty for being turned in late, as long as they are completed before our test (starts with a c).
  5. 10. All course information and assignments will be posted in ____________________.
  6. 11. If your chromebook is not __________, you are not prepared for class
  7. 13. What is worth 20% of your final grade?
  8. 14. Formative work is graded for ___________.
  9. 15. Students that use their chromebook innapropriately will be given one __________ before they are written up for misuse.
  1. 1. A signed copy of the syllabus is due this ____________.
  2. 2. Your teacher's last name is Ms._________.
  3. 4. If you finish your work, instead of getting on your phone you can complete ____________ tasks
  4. 7. In order to be elligible to retake a test, you must have completed all ___________ work (starts with an f).
  5. 9. Tests, quizzes, and classwork (formative work) are worth _________ percent of your grade.
  6. 11. Asking for, giving out, or copying down assignment answers is violating the school conduct and is considered ___________.
  7. 12. How many retakes do you get EACH SEMESTER