Syllabus & Lab Safety

  1. 3. No unauthorized ___________ is allowed.
  2. 6. You need to check your __________ every day.
  3. 9. Unexcused absences give you this grade automatically.
  4. 10. After 5 school days, this is the highest grade you can get on your assignment (hint: look at the sign on the wall beside the turn in tray.)
  5. 11. Your teacher's planning period is what period?
  6. 12. Your cell phone is allowed in the restroom
  7. 15. You need to ____________ your teacher and the other students in this class.
  8. 17. If glass breaks, ___________ the science teacher immediately.
  9. 18. You need to be in class when the ___________ rings.
  1. 1. Late work is accepted for ________ school days after the posted deadline.
  2. 2. You can have food or drink if the ___________ is part of the lab procedure and the science teacher gives permission to eat it.
  3. 4. ____________ all injuries to the science teacher immediately.
  4. 5. ____________ language is not tolerated and you will have a discipline referral.
  5. 7. You have to _____________ before you go to the restroom.
  6. 8. You must sit in your ______________ seats.
  7. 13. Assessments and ______ are worth the most points on your grade.
  8. 14. Your cell phone must be in the caddy or in your _________.
  9. 16. Do not ____________ with any experiment if you do not understand the procedure.