Syllabus Scavenger Hunt

  1. 2. The length of all skirts, shorts, dresses
  2. 5. Highest grade for late work
  3. 6. How many categories will be in the gradebook?
  4. 9. You can view your transcript here
  5. 10. Essays will be categorized as
  6. 12. 3rd skill to be learned
  7. 16. The email is
  8. 17. Are allowed if you contact the teacher 24 hours beforehand
  9. 18. Can be worn during independent work
  10. 19. These are required on top of every drink
  11. 20. The 10th grade assistant principal
  12. 21. Grades will be posted here
  1. 1. How many restroom breaks in a nine week period
  2. 3. Never permitted in the classroom
  3. 4. How many Units will we cover?
  4. 5. The day all assignments are due
  5. 7. The email is
  6. 8. Will result in an automatic zero
  7. 11. The counselor for alpha A-GA
  8. 13. 3rd consequence
  9. 14. Due August 19th
  10. 15. Vocabulary will be categorized as