Syllogisms & Set Theory

  1. 2. This one belongs to my family. I also belong to its family. Our families are different. How is this person related to me?
  2. 4. Bike, Car, Truck all these belongs to a larger set ______
  3. 6. All my daughters are beautiful. Komal is beautiful. Definitely Komal is my daughter TRUTH/FALSE?
  4. 7. All books are trees. All trees are Lions. So, All books are_____
  1. 1. We are all world. All world is better. All better is universe. So, we are _____
  2. 3. How many numbers upto 50 is not divisible by 2, 4, 5?
  3. 5. No cow is a chair. All chairs are tables. Hence, Some tables are _____