Symposium 14/11/2019

  1. 2. stakeholder and collaborator during test development
  2. 4. TP/(TP+FN)
  3. 7. periodically recurring evaluation of medical laboraty quality standards
  4. 9. medical specialist
  5. 10. molecular appearance of a protein as a result of e.g. PTMs
  6. 11. cardiovascular disease
  7. 13. TN/(TN+FP)
  8. 15. clinical and laboratory standards institute
  9. 16. free from contamination
  10. 17. Technology used for protein quantitation
  11. 23. Property of a material indicating concordance of results between two measurement procedures
  12. 25. systeme international
  13. 26. functional protein on lipoprotein particles
  14. 28. parallel quantitation of a number of analytes
  1. 1. degree of resistance to chemical change or degradation
  2. 3. opposite of generic treatment
  3. 5. material, sufficiently homogeneous and stable with reference to specified properties
  4. 6. international federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
  5. 8. the application of better solutions that meet new requirements
  6. 12. quantity intended to be measured
  7. 14. European regulation for medical devices
  8. 18. the process of making test results traceable to SI units
  9. 19. Tool used for structured test evaluation
  10. 20. required for blood flow
  11. 21. European federation of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
  12. 22. action of working together
  13. 24. organ that filters 180 L blood per day
  14. 27. acute kidney injury