
  1. 3. to stop the feeling of pain
  2. 5. Feeling like you might to faint
  3. 8. A device that divides liquid medications into very small drops.
  4. 10. The body's way of responding when something irritates the throat or airways.
  5. 12. they are anatomical structures belonging to the respiratory system, they are located in the rib cage
  6. 14. loss of blood
  7. 15. Are chemical compounds that are used to cure, stop or prevent diseases
  8. 17. to make part of the body feel sore
  9. 18. Disease caused by microorganisms that invade the tissues
  10. 19. state hypersensitivity acquired
  1. 1. Injury or damage sustained by striking or compressing a body part without causing external injury
  2. 2. organ of the respiratory system that goes from the larynx to the bronchi
  3. 4. Alteration or damage that occurs in any part of the body due to a blow
  4. 6. A thick liquid produced in parts of the body
  5. 7. portable device that delivers medicine to the lungs
  6. 9. Occurs in babies, has crying excessive
  7. 11. to breathe noisily and with difficulty
  8. 13. Inflammation of one or more joints that causes pain and may worsen with age
  9. 16. mark on the skin caused by the presence of blood trapped below the surface of the skin
  10. 19. Causes shortness of breath, chest pain, cough, or wheezing