
  1. 2. A system is made up of two or more _______________.
  2. 4. _______________ food is passed through the wall of the intestine into the blood.
  3. 9. The __________________ system helps our body to move.
  4. 10. The ____________________ system helps to carry substances around our body.
  5. 11. The __________________ system helps to break down food.
  6. 13. Our ____________ help to chew the food into smaller pieces.
  1. 1. The large intestine absorbs _______________ from the undigested food.
  2. 3. The __________________ system helps to support our body, gives us shape and protect our organs.
  3. 5. _______________ in our mouth helps to soften the food we eat.
  4. 6. The ____________________ system helps to take in and remove air from our body.
  5. 7. Digestion is ____________________ in the small intestine.
  6. 8. The parts of a system work together to perform a specific ________________.
  7. 12. The ________________ helps to push the food down to the stomach.