System technology

  1. 3. An audio file (often in an MP3 format) that is made available to download for free or to purchase from the internet.
  2. 5. Large rectangular board inside the computer case, containing circuitry with slots and connectors for the CPU, RAM, storage devices and peripherals to connect to it.
  3. 7. Point Of Sale system – designed to speed up the sale of goods and services in the marketplace.
  4. 9. A built-in connection to another place in a document (web page, resource), often indicated as text underlined in blue.
  5. 11. Step-by-step solution used to solve a problem.
  6. 15. The succession of folders, starting from the drive letter and separated by \ , that lead to the location of a specific file.
  7. 17. The trend where separate technologies and functions that required different devices in the past are combined into one single device.
  8. 18. Making copies of files with the aim of having extra copies of the files in case the originals get lost.
  9. 19. A device used to connect computers in a network (e.g. a LAN) with cables so that communication can occur between the computers. It
  10. 21. the highest number of pixels that the display supports, given by the number of horizontal pixels multiplied by the number of vertical pixels (e.g. 1920 x 1080).
  11. 24. an interface that transmits high definition video and sound via a single cable.
  12. 26. Input device in smartphones and tablets, used to detect which way around the device is held or how it is being moved.
  13. 27. Temporary storage area for programs and data being processed in the computer.
  14. 28. Optical Character Recognition – converts text in an image into editable text.
  1. 1. A tip or information that pops up when you rest the pointer on an icon or object.
  2. 2. A completely electronic alternative to the traditional hard drive. It uses the same technology as flash drives, making for very fast disk access.
  3. 4. Downloadable update to an operating system – especially one that fixes bugs or security vulnerabilities.
  4. 5. The ability of the operating system to load and process multiple tasks or processes at the same time.
  5. 6. A special chip on the motherboard that holds the instructions needed to start the computer and load the operating system when you switch it on.
  6. 8. A computer that provide services or resources to other computers (clients) that are linked in the network.
  7. 10. A barrier between your computer and the internet. It checks which programs are trying to access your computer via the internet
  8. 12. Additional data stored about a file that describes the contents of the file, such as the author and title of the file.
  9. 13. Software that allows a computer to communicate with hardware or devices.
  10. 14. The study and design of the workplace and the equipment used in the workplace for the comfort and safety of people in their work environments.
  11. 16. A standard or technology that allows electronic devices to connect wirelessly and exchange data, simply by touching them together or bringing them close together
  12. 17. Central Processing Unit – hardware component that processes all data and carries out all instructions.
  13. 18. A policy where people are allowed to bring their own computing device (laptop, phone or tablet) to school or work and use it instead of relying on equipment owned or supplied by the school or company.
  14. 20. A controller that connects the computer to a cabled network, allowing the computer to communicate with the network.
  15. 22. End User Licence Agreement – a legally binding contract between a user and a software company. It describes what one may and may not do with the software.
  16. 23. A test to determine whether it is a human being interacting with the computer
  17. 25. A wireless technology that allows devices such as mice, printers and smartphones to communicate over a relatively short distance.