Systems of the body

  1. 2. This transport the blood from the organs to the heart
  2. 4. the system that help us to take the waste out of the body
  3. 5. Joins veins and arteries
  4. 6. if this organ have a failurd you will not be able to transport important subtances such as blood and die
  5. 7. if this organ have a failure you will not able to move or talk and die
  6. 8. If you lost this organ dont be scared you will not be affect
  7. 10. with this organ you could live if you donate one
  8. 12. help us to breath by doing gas exchange
  1. 1. This systems transport diferents subtances such as blood to all the body
  2. 3. This transport the blood from the heart to the organs
  3. 9. Breaks down food into substances such as nutrients
  4. 11. joins the digestive system with the respiratory system