systems organs and cells

  1. 3. send signals from your brain
  2. 4. produce molecules that destroy viruses and bacterias
  3. 11. take place
  4. 12. help to regulate transpiration (plant cell)
  5. 13. system that realase hormones that control mood
  6. 14. proses of gas
  7. 15. cell that inge and sometimes digest bacterias carbon etc.
  8. 18. cells that transport oxigen
  9. 19. this cell colect water and minerd nutrients from the soil
  1. 1. system that helps you to breath
  2. 2. conduct electrical impulses throughout the body
  3. 5. this cell absorbs light so that
  4. 6. system were we eat the food and then diget it
  5. 7. send signals to your body
  6. 8. cells in charge of preventing bleeding
  7. 9. pump the blood
  8. 10. system that move the blood throughout the body
  9. 14. cells in charge of bodys metabolism
  10. 16. produce egg cells
  11. 17. cell that pass necesary biological information requered to produce a new organism
  12. 20. this cell create the rigth enviorment to enable fertilization by the sperm