T1D Research KT

  1. 2. The JDRF-CIHR Partnership to Defeat Diabetes was renewed in the fall of 2021 for _ million dollars.
  2. 6. This endocrinologist received a Brain Canada JDRF Mental Health grant to explore self-compassion in youth.
  3. 7. The first Canadian Centre of Excellence was officially launched on May 7th 2022 in this city.
  4. 10. Dr. Haidar at McGill University is testing out an insulin plus _ artifical pancreas that may eliminate the need for carbohydrate counting
  5. 11. On April 20th 2022 CIHR and JDRF Canada announced two new funding opportunities - _ medicine and psychosocial health
  6. 12. This researcher is examining ways to use bioengineering to make blood vessels so that transplanted islets are happy and healthy and able to function well.
  7. 13. This company recently received Health Canada approval for a trial that includes a gene edited cell replacement therapy that won't require immunosuppresive drugs.
  1. 1. CGMs can measure this metric to see how much of your day is within your target BG range
  2. 3. When donor islets are transplanted into a recipient the recipient has to take _ drugs to keep their immune system from attacking the transplanted cells
  3. 4. A new partnership with _ Biosystems will explore 3D printing technology for cell replacement therapies
  4. 5. Diabetes _ is often an outcome measure for mental health grants. It is sometimes confused with depression.
  5. 8. The cell type that produces insulin in the pancreas
  6. 9. This disease-modifying drug has been shown to delay the onset of T1D by up to 3 years in people at risk of the disease