
  1. 6. Greek goddess of agriculture (7 letters).
  2. 7. King of the gods, Greek mythology (4 letters).
  3. 8. Greek goddess of wisdom (6 letters).
  4. 9. Demigod known for his strength (8 letters).
  5. 10. Woman who opened a forbidden box (7 letters).
  6. 11. Greek goddess of the hunt (6 letters).
  7. 13. Egyptian god of mummification (6 letters).
  8. 14. Sun god in ancient Egyptian mythology (2 letters).
  9. 15. Greek god of music and prophecy (6 letters).
  10. 17. Greek god of the sea (8 letters).
  11. 20. Mythical creature with a bull's head (8 letters).
  12. 23. One-eyed giant in Greek mythology (7 letters).
  13. 24. Winged horse in Greek mythology (7 letters).
  14. 26. Greek god of war (4 letters).
  15. 27. Demon king in Hindu mythology (6 letters).
  1. 1. Fire-breathing monster with multiple heads (7 letters).
  2. 2. Norse goddess of love and fertility (6 letters).
  3. 3. Messenger of the gods in Greek myth (6 letters).
  4. 4. Roman god of love (5 letters).
  5. 5. Norse god of thunder (4 letters).
  6. 9. God of the underworld in Greek mythology (5 letters).
  7. 11. Greek hero vulnerable in his heel (7 letters).
  8. 12. Hindu god of destruction and transformation (5 letters).
  9. 16. Allfather in Norse mythology (4 letters).
  10. 18. Egyptian god of the afterlife (6 letters).
  11. 19. Hindu goddess of power and protection (5 letters).
  12. 21. Greek goddess of the night (3 letters).
  13. 22. Gorgon with snakes for hair (6 letters).
  14. 25. Enchanting creatures luring sailors with their voices (5 letters).