Tabitha's Bridal Shower

  1. 3. color of the bridesmaids’ dresses
  2. 5. flavor of the wedding cake
  3. 7. city where he proposed
  4. 9. honeymoon destination
  5. 10. bride’s favorite clothes brand
  6. 12. groom’s middle name
  7. 16. bride's middle name
  8. 17. state where groom is stationed
  9. 18. location of the wedding
  10. 20. best man
  11. 21. maid of honor
  1. 1. number of bridesmaids
  2. 2. venue for the wedding ceremony
  3. 4. city where the bride and groom met
  4. 6. bride to be
  5. 8. groom's branch of military
  6. 11. groom's last name
  7. 13. bride's medical school
  8. 14. hotel venue for the reception
  9. 15. bride’s favorite flowers
  10. 19. bride’s dog