Taekwondo crossword 10

  1. 5. Do you bend your arm when you do your knife hand neck strike?
  2. 8. Which leg is kicking when you do your scissor front snap kick? is it your front leg or back leg?
  3. 9. How low should your low block be?
  4. 12. What is low section in Korean?
  5. 14. What is punch in Korean?
  6. 15. Where should you aim your side back fist?
  1. 1. Where is Jong Ko's tournament usually held?
  2. 2. which way should your body be facing when doing your front cross stance?
  3. 3. What stance does not appear in taeguk 5?
  4. 4. How many moves are in taeguk 2?
  5. 6. what is belt in Korean?
  6. 7. true or false. All patterns from taeguk 1 to 8 have an identical shape when looking at the pattern from above.
  7. 10. true or false. Your joombi stance should be the same as your left/right stance?
  8. 11. How many points are given if you score a spinning kick to the head?
  9. 13. How often is colour belt testing?