TAG Teaser 61: Winter Wear!

  1. 2. This is a short way of saying "handkerchief", and is something you may need in your 14-ACROSS pocket in winter - though hopefully not! (5)
  2. 6. These help keep your hands warm when you're out in winter... (6)
  3. 7. These are like 6-ACROSS, but have a section for your thumb, and another one for all your other fingers! (7)
  4. 10. This goes around your neck and is usually made of wool or cotton (5)
  5. 12. This waterproof 9-DOWN has a hood - and is also used to describe a boring person! (6)
  6. 14. You put this on before you go out - and you may need to zip or button it up in winter! (4)
  1. 1. This is like a jumper, but has either a zip or buttons. Good to wear around the house in winter! (8)
  2. 3. These keep your tootsies warm and go on before you put your shoes on! (5)
  3. 4. Wellington ????? these should help keep your feet dry in a puddle! (5)
  4. 5. This is something you put on your head to keep warm in winter - Santa has a red and white one! (3)
  5. 8. Does this long-sleeved knitted garment make you "sweat"? ;) (7)
  6. 9. Another name for 14-ACROSS... though this one rhymes with "racket" and not "goat"! (6)
  7. 11. Jason had a golden one, sheeps have a woolly one - this keeps your upper body warm in winter! (6)
  8. 13. ???muffs, these keep your lugs warm! (3)