
  1. 2. How does Scout fell after her first day at school?
  2. 4. How does Scout already know how to read?
  3. 6. Who is Calipurnia?
  4. 7. How does Atticus get Jem to take Scout to school?
  5. 9. Describe the Radleys
  6. 12. Who is Dill?
  7. 15. What does Miss Caroline want Atticus to do?
  8. 18. Who is telling us this story?
  9. 19. What does Atticus do for a living?
  10. 20. Describe Miss Caroline
  11. 21. How does Mr. Cunningham pay Atticus back?
  12. 22. Is mr. Cuunigham paying Atticus back with food fair?
  13. 23. How does the narrator describe her hometown?
  1. 1. Dill dares Jem to touch ___ house.
  2. 3. Who is Miss Carloine?
  3. 5. What do you think happened to Dill's father?
  4. 8. who takes scout to school the first day?
  5. 10. What is Jeremy Atticus Finch better known as?
  6. 11. Where is Dill from?
  7. 13. What do Scout, Jem and Dill think of Boo Radley?
  8. 14. What is Scout's punishment for trying to help Walter?
  9. 16. Where does this take place?
  10. 17. Describe Calpurnia