
  1. 3. Mishlei was written by _ Hamelech
  2. 4. Number of books of Neviim
  3. 6. First book of Neviim
  4. 7. There are 24 books of this
  5. 8. Neviim
  6. 10. Moshe wrote this book in Ketuvim
  7. 11. Number of books of Ketuvim
  8. 13. Wrote the book of Yehoshua
  9. 15. He wrote the book of Malachim
  10. 16. We read this on Shavuot
  11. 17. The later books of the Neviim are the Neviim _
  12. 19. Writings
  13. 20. He was thrown into a lion's pit
  1. 1. He wrote Tehillim
  2. 2. The Anshei Knesset Hagadola wrote this book
  3. 5. The word תנ"ך is one
  4. 7. There are _ mini-books in Tri Eser
  5. 9. 3rd book of the Torah
  6. 12. Book read on the saddest day of the year
  7. 13. Kohelet is read during this chag
  8. 14. This book is listed with Nechemyah
  9. 15. The most famous of the Tri Eser
  10. 18. There are _ megillot