- 3. Mishlei was written by _ Hamelech
- 4. Number of books of Neviim
- 6. First book of Neviim
- 7. There are 24 books of this
- 8. Neviim
- 10. Moshe wrote this book in Ketuvim
- 11. Number of books of Ketuvim
- 13. Wrote the book of Yehoshua
- 15. He wrote the book of Malachim
- 16. We read this on Shavuot
- 17. The later books of the Neviim are the Neviim _
- 19. Writings
- 20. He was thrown into a lion's pit
- 1. He wrote Tehillim
- 2. The Anshei Knesset Hagadola wrote this book
- 5. The word תנ"ך is one
- 7. There are _ mini-books in Tri Eser
- 9. 3rd book of the Torah
- 12. Book read on the saddest day of the year
- 13. Kohelet is read during this chag
- 14. This book is listed with Nechemyah
- 15. The most famous of the Tri Eser
- 18. There are _ megillot