Tang Dynasty

  1. 1. Tai Tsung started China's ______ age.
  2. 4. This society is located near the _______ Ocean
  3. 6. Emperor Wu expanded the empire's borders from the modern Kyrgyzstan to the ______ Korean,
  4. 8. The emperor will lose its rule if the harvest and natural disasters happen. This is because they thought that the ______ were unhappy with the way they commanded the dynasty.
  5. 10. They believed that gods had the powers to affect the _______ and the harvests.
  6. 14. ______ were the lowest in the social structure because they didn’t produce the stuff they sold.
  7. 16. Which is the highest mountain range on planet Earth?: _______ mountain range
  8. 18. Lasting achievements of China’s society include The _______ of China
  9. 19. Women and men grew their hair during ______.
  10. 21. In their technological achievements, it includes the invention of the _______ compass
  11. 23. The ______ language is one of the oldest in the world.
  12. 24. In their reign, the rise of the religion of ______ happened
  1. 2. The system of government in Ancient China was a ______ rule.
  2. 3. Their social structure consisted of ______ sections.
  3. 5. This society is located in the south of _______
  4. 7. In their achievements there was the making of ______ and the creation of art.
  5. 9. The Tang dynasty the empire grew into ______ and Central Asia
  6. 11. This society is located in _______ Asia
  7. 12. Which is the highest plateau on Earth?: _______ Plateau
  8. 13. People dressed mainly according to their ______ class.
  9. 15. They exchanged ideas and goods using the _______ Road
  10. 17. Which is the largest river from China and from the Asian continent?: ______ river
  11. 20. Jewelry people wore pearls and ______.
  12. 22. People enjoyed polo, and ______ (old way of soccer).