Tariff Debate and Nullification Crisis

  1. 2. This made sure the Southerners accepted the compromise bill by Henry Clay.
  2. 5. Legislature of this state passed the Nullification Acts refusing to pay the tariff.
  3. 9. An opinion that showed that all though the tariff should be lowered in price, it still needs to be followed by all citizens.
  1. 1. An opinion that stated that the states had the right to nullify a federal law it considered against state interests.
  2. 3. A controversy over the idea that the states had the ability to nullify acts of the federal government or not.
  3. 4. Southerners hated the new tariff, due to lack of manufactures and the fact that they did not benefit from the increased sales, so they called the tariff, a/an ____________.
  4. 6. This person agreed to use their influence as Speaker of the House to help John Quincy Adams win presidency, and in return was promised a job as secretary of state.
  5. 7. To cancel or make ineffective.
  6. 8. To leave, withdraw, or break away from.