Task 3 - Crossword

  1. 2. The final person or audience that will operate the completed software package. (Two Words)
  2. 5. A ‘mock-up’ or model of a system, which allows for evaluation of functionality in an operational setting.
  3. 6. The laws protecting the rights of an author’s original work.
  4. 8. The protection of an individual's personal information.
  5. 9. Imitating or appropriating someone's work without providing a proper acknowledgement and claiming it as your own.
  6. 11. The study relating to the relationship shared between human workers and their external environment.
  7. 12. The process of ensuring that particular requirements have been achieved or fulfilled.
  8. 13. A malicious software, created with the intent of damaging or performing an unauthorised process on a computer system.
  9. 14. The person or business responsible for the copying, distribution and sales of an author’s product.
  10. 17. Relating to software, in which the original source code is freely distributed and may be modified and shared further without restrictions.
  11. 18. Property resulting from creativity and mental labour. This can include a trademark, design, invention or practical application of a concept. (Two Words)
  12. 20. The use of a dedicated website or application, which utilises an online, virtual community where people can express their thoughts and interests. (Two Words)
  13. 21. The action of responsible and safe use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). (Two Words)
  1. 1. A copy of software or data, created in case of corruption or accidental loss of the original.
  2. 3. The reproduction of another author’s original product design, following extensive analysis of its construction and functionality. (Two Words)
  3. 4. In relation to computer security, the action of exploiting a weakness within a computer system or network.
  4. 7. The compensation paid to the owner or author for the use of their work.
  5. 10. Not excluding an individual or social group based on disabilities, cultural/religious identity, gender, etc.
  6. 15. The type of prototype which is intended to eventually develop into the final product.
  7. 16. In relation to software development, it provides an interface between an application and a type of hardware device.
  8. 19. The type of prototype which is discarded after being used for evaluation and does not become the final product.