Taxes and Money

  1. 1. a dance that seniors in high school attend
  2. 4. rare; not plentiful; hard to get
  3. 5. the government's source of revenue
  4. 7. he lives in a pineapple under the sea
  5. 9. type of unemployment that results from the time in between looking for a job
  6. 10. a digital crypto currency
  7. 11. to trade
  8. 14. "healthy" rate of inflation in percent
  9. 15. another way of saying net pay
  10. 19. invented the smartphone
  11. 21. anything that can be used as a medium of exchange
  12. 24. your tax rate is based on this (how much money you make)
  13. 25. long lasting; not easily broken
  14. 26. raw materials that can be traded that have value or use in themselves
  15. 27. type of pay that results in equal payments every pay period regardless of how many hours worked
  16. 28. this occurs when the value of the dollar decreases and prices of goods increase
  17. 29. the central bank of the USA that determines interest rates
  1. 2. 1st name Barack
  2. 3. influential economist who believed government should step in to support economy during a crisis
  3. 4. type of unemployment that is technology based; jobs replaced by computers
  4. 6. type of money that has value because the government says it does
  5. 7. to not grow or move; stuck in place
  6. 8. program designed to help the elderly have an income
  7. 12. balanced; equal relationship between supply and demand
  8. 13. electric car company run by Elon Musk
  9. 16. the age you can start collecting social security
  10. 17. compensation based on how many hours worked
  11. 18. current president
  12. 20. type of inflation that results from too limited supply and too high demand causing prices to rise
  13. 22. current richest man in the world
  14. 23. type of pay that is before taxes