Taylor and Landon

  1. 1. Honeymoon plans
  2. 3. MOG
  3. 5. Best man
  4. 7. Flower girl
  5. 10. Taylor's job
  6. 14. Month we got engaged
  7. 15. Taylor's favorite date night
  8. 17. anniversary month
  9. 18. Taylors favorite color
  10. 19. Oldest ring bear
  11. 22. Youngest ring bear
  1. 2. Landon's job, Team______
  2. 4. Landon's favorite date night
  3. 6. Maid of honor
  4. 8. third cat's name
  5. 9. First cat's name
  6. 11. MOB
  7. 12. First date
  8. 13. Landon's namesake movie, A walk to ________
  9. 15. Taylor's favorite tv show, Call the __________
  10. 16. Taylor's favorite musical
  11. 20. where we met
  12. 21. Taylor's birthplace
  13. 23. Second cat's name