Taylor Swift
- 4. Month that the Eras Tour Started
- 8. These friends of Taylor Swift are sisters in a band called _____, featured in the song No Body No Crime
- 9. Taylor’s Oldest Cat’s Name
- 10. What Disney Character was mentioned in two songs (once in Folklore, once in Tortured Poet’s Department)
- 12. NYC Street Featured on Lover
- 13. What TV sitcom did Taylor Swift guest star on as a character named Elaine who ran off with a character at a wedding
- 14. The designer of Taylor’s red-bottomed shoes on the Eras tour
- 15. Which one of Blake Lively’s Children, also the name of a character in Folklore, says the word “Gorgegous” at the start of the song Gorgeous
- 16. Taylor Swift’s Most Streamed Song
- 17. Taylor's Middle Name
- 18. Holiday that Taylor throws epic parties on?
- 20. Taylor often writes music with _____ Antonoff, who is a member of Bleachers
- 22. What State was Taylor Swift born
- 25. Taylor's Favorite Number
- 26. Codename for Folklore
- 1. Taylor’s longest song
- 2. Taylor’s Grandmother’s name (featured in a song from Evermore)
- 3. Number of Grammies Taylor Swift has
- 5. The type of Farm Taylor calls home
- 6. Which one of Taylor’s Friends opened for her on the Red Tour?
- 7. The name of the Cat that Taylor Posed with on Time Magazine
- 11. State where Taylor's house mentioned in The Last Great American Dynasty is located
- 12. Taylor was featured in the movie adaptation of which Broadway musical?
- 19. Taylor’s first single
- 21. Taylor’s Mother’s name
- 23. What flavor are Taylor’s famous cookies?
- 24. State the Eras Tour Started in